Show post instructions
Post instructions:
Facebook Business Page Post Instructions:
- Click on DOWNLOAD IMAGE to save the image below to your phone’s photo library or your computer (we recommend creating a folder).
- Click on COPY TO CLIPBOARD to use the provided post copy (or you can write your own).
- Go to your Facebook Business page and click Create Post.
- Use the paste command to insert the post copy from the clipboard into your post.
- Click on photo/video to add the downloaded image (or video) to your post. Search for the image in your phone’s photo library or on your computer.
- Click Post.

Post verbiage:
Thank you to all of our heroes
who are helping our world spin,
our loved ones heal,
and our families stay safe.
We are gratefully home to honor your courage, resilience, bravery, sacrifice, strength, diligence, dedication, knowledge, care... We could go on forever. It still wouldn’t be enough to describe all that you are and all that you do.